Thursday, September 19, 2013

Five Ways to Maintain a Career While Stressed with an Annuity

If you are one of the working fortunate among us, congratulations, but all may not be well.  Stress may be affecting your performance, but the stress may not have anything to do with your career. Everything in the workplace may be a refuge.  But if outside influences are beginning to encroach on your performance, it may be time to take some serious steps to handle personal issues before the career is in danger of being derailed.
sell structured settlement
Sell Structured Settlements

There is one situation that does not affect everyone.  It is possible that others would consider themselves fortunate to share the circumstances you have if not for the burden of stress.  If you are burdened by difficulties with a structured settlement that is not contributing a sufficient amount, even when combined with your salary, to meet monthly obligations, nothing will affect work performance and personal well being like a financial pinch.  Fortunately, there are ways to confront and overcome the stress.

How to Relieve Stress from a Structured Settlement Complication

1.    Have a brief discussion with your manager.  HIPAA regulations prohibit a manager’s queries into personal hardships, but they can ask about the effect of the stress on your job performance.  All that needs to be mentioned is that there are personal issues you are trying to work out and that you will try to maintain expected performance while resolving them.  The manager may have some recommendations for assistance by qualified. Consider them.

2.    Now that promises have been made at work, the personal paradigm must change because the status quo is not working.  Even though a structured settlement may stipulate that the annuity cannot be sold, don’t assume that door is closed.  Start making inquiries with a reputable annuity sale company to walk you through the details of overcoming what appears to be a solid, immovable contract.  It is likely changeable and might be accomplished within 30 days.  Your manager should be pleased with your resourcefulness to reach a solution so quickly.

3.    If you have chosen a reputable annuity sale company, it is time to collect the details of the annuity and its payout schedule to provide all the information regarding the annuity so that a proposal for sale can be executed and quoted to you.  Perhaps your financial pinch is a temporary situation that does not require the sale of the full amount of the annuity.  You can sell a portion of it and maintain the balance as a structured settlement as now being paid out.  Also, you need to understand that whatever portion of the annuity would be sold, the full value of the portion will not be paid; there will be a deduction rate of a quoted percentage and only the balance less the discount will be paid out.                                                                                       
            4.    Since you may see a resolution within 30 days, it is now time to contact all your creditors to advise them, without going into detail as to how it will be accomplished, that you will have them paid-up within 30 to 45 days (allow yourself a cushion), and will be able to keep them current with full monthly payments as originally agreed.                                                                             
sell structured settlement
Sell Structured Settlement Payments
     5.    When your annuity sells and you have the cash in hand, meet your promised obligations to clear the debts that have caused so much stress.  Once completed, the burden lifted will likely be obvious.  Go to your manager anyway to advise that your situation is completely resolved and your performance has no further impediments.  You may eventually earn a raise.Resourcefulness pays in so many ways.  You have engineered an annuity sale and an end to on-the-job stress.


  1. Nice Post ! Amazingly define all about Selling Structured Settlements . I read your blog and got it very informative. Good Work. keep posting !!

  2. Sell Structured Settlement stuff elaborated by you is knowledgeable. I like your post. Keep it up...

  3. Thanks for all the advice. I want to sell my structured settlement but don't even know how to begin doing so. This is really good to know, thanks for sharing.
